by David Little | May 5, 2020 | Leadership
Challenging times, urgent change, motivation of your team… are you ready? As Robert Burns said in his poem “To a Louse”… “O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us to see oursels as others see us” This translates roughly as… “Oh, that God would give us the very...
by Richard Dickinson | Feb 10, 2020 | Behaviour, Leadership, Management, Ology Coaching, Training
Does this sound like you and your business? Are you always in a rush and feel that you are running out of time? Do you tend to work in a mess because you are so busy? I need to feel important and involved in everything. I keep being interrupted by emails and the...
by Paul Doyle | Sep 3, 2019 | Behaviour, Management
Is it time to take back control? How to feel more in control Break the stimulus -response cycle, think before you react. By changing your response you change your emotions. Busy people think they can get things done by working ever harder. We have been led to believe...
by David Little | Jan 17, 2019 | Conflict
Workplace conflict just seems to be a fact of life. It’s time consuming, kills motivation and is counter-productive. We’ve all seen situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. And we’ve all seen the often-intense personal...